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Player: Barney Tanfield

Match #DateMatch TypeMatchScorePointsMovement
696711/03/2022 05:00 US Open Alex Titchener-Barrett vs. Barney Tanfield 3 / 1 -31 / +31 +31 (1928 / 1959)
696210/03/2022 07:00 US Open Jonathan Larken vs. Barney Tanfield 0 / 1 -31 / +31 +31 (1897 / 1928)

The following adjustments have been made to this player within the season:

DateReasonExclude from ErosionAdjustmentPre PointsPost PointsNotes
19/09/2022 15:30:43Re-Calibration - +132 18411973(1500 * (0.315))+1500 = 1972.5
19/09/2022 15:30:42Erosion - -118 19591841Erosion factor: 0.06