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Player: Salil Navapurkar

Match #DateMatch TypeMatchScorePointsMovement
677215/11/2021 20:00 Amateur Singles Championship Alexander Duncliffe-Vines vs. Salil Navapurkar 3 / 2 -64 / +64 +64 (1556 / 1620)
676313/11/2021 16:00 Amateur Singles Championship Salil Navapurkar vs. Matt Brooks 3 / 1 +63 / -63 +63 (1493 / 1556)

The following adjustments have been made to this player within the season:

DateReasonExclude from ErosionAdjustmentPre PointsPost PointsNotes
19/09/2022 15:30:44Re-Calibration - +109 15231632(1500 * (0.0878571))+1500 = 1631.79
19/09/2022 15:30:42Erosion - -97 16201523Erosion factor: 0.06