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Player: James Madon

Match #DateMatch TypeMatchScorePointsMovement
685508/01/2022 22:00 British Open Singles Gregory Horwood vs. James Madon 2 / 0 +32 / -32 -32 (1191 / 1159)
685408/01/2022 21:00 British Open Singles Angus Giddins vs. James Madon 2 / 0 - / -6 -6 (1197 / 1191)
685208/01/2022 01:00 British Open Singles David Dundas vs. James Madon 1 / 0 - / -3 -3 (1200 / 1197)

The following adjustments have been made to this player within the season:

DateReasonExclude from ErosionAdjustmentPre PointsPost PointsNotes
19/09/2022 15:30:44Re-Calibration - +78 10891167(1500 * (-0.222143))+1500 = 1166.79
19/09/2022 15:30:42Erosion - -70 11591089Erosion factor: 0.06